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personel quote


Definitions from the Web

Personnel Quote


A personnel quote refers to a statement or quotation made by an individual within an organization, usually related to their personal experiences, beliefs, or opinions.


1. Noun: In the business world, personnel quotes are often used to provide insights into an employee's perspective, values, or goals.
Example sentence: The CEO shared a personnel quote during the company's annual meeting, expressing his commitment to innovation as a driving force for success.

2. Verb: To personnel quote is to cite or mention an individual's words as a way of explaining a particular viewpoint or supporting an argument.
Example sentence: The author personnel quoted several experts in the field to validate the claims made in his research paper.

3. Adjective: A personnel quote can also describe a statement that is specific to an individual or their role within an organization.
Example sentence: The employee handbook included personnel quote examples to guide staff members in crafting their own personalized mission statements.

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