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peripheral vision


Definitions from WordNet

Noun peripheral vision has 1 sense
  1. peripheral vision - vision using only the periphery of the retina
    --1 is a kind of
    sight, vision, visual sense, visual modality

Definitions from the Web

Peripheral Vision


Peripheral vision refers to the ability to perceive objects or events outside the direct line of vision, typically on the sides or edges of one's field of view.


Sense 1 (Noun):

The range of vision outside the focus of central vision; side vision.


Her peripheral vision allowed her to spot movement in her periphery, even while looking straight ahead.

Sense 2 (Noun):

The ability to remain aware of one's surroundings while focusing on a specific object or task.


While reading a book, she still had enough peripheral vision to notice her friend entering the room.


Usage 1:

Peripheral vision is crucial for athletes to anticipate opponents' movements and react quickly.


The basketball player used his peripheral vision to spot an open teammate in the corner.

Usage 2:

Peripheral vision plays a significant role in driving, as it helps in detecting objects or vehicles on the sides of the road.


Always be cautious and use your peripheral vision while changing lanes on the highway.

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