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Sense 1: A pilgrim or traveler, especially one who travels to religious or sacred places.

Sample Sentence: Every year, thousands of peregrinos walk the Camino de Santiago as a religious and spiritual journey.

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Sense 2: A person who migrates or travels extensively.

Sample Sentence: The peregrinos from the small village left their homeland in search of better opportunities.

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Sense 1: Foreign; pertaining to someone or something from abroad.

Sample Sentence: The peregrino culture brought new traditions and flavors to the local community.

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Sense 2: Wandering; straying or deviating from a normal course or purpose.

Sample Sentence: Her mind remained peregrino, unable to focus on one thought for long.

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Sense 1: To migrate or travel, especially with the aim of reaching a specific destination.

Sample Sentence: Many birds peregrino significant distances during their annual migration.

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Sense 2: To wander or roam without a fixed destination.

Sample Sentence: He loved to peregrino through the picturesque countryside, discovering hidden gems along the way.

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