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Term: Opque


Opque is an adjective that refers to something that is difficult to understand or not transparent. It can also describe something that lacks brightness or vividness.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Difficult to Understand

When used in the sense of being difficult to understand, "opque" describes something that is unclear, ambiguous, or obscure.

Example Sentence: The poet's opque writing style leaves readers pondering the true meaning of his verses.

Sense 2: Not Transparent

In this sense, "opque" is used to describe something that is not transparent or translucent.

Example Sentence: The opque glass in the windows provided privacy to the room.

Sense 3: Lacking Brightness or Vividness

When used in the context of lacking brightness or vividness, "opque" describes something that is dull, muted, or lacking in intensity.

Example Sentence: The opque paint color on the walls made the room feel gloomy.

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