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Term: Obsess
  1. Verb (transitive)
    • Sense 1: To preoccupy or fill the mind or thoughts of someone constantly or intrusively.
    • Example Sentence: John's passion for playing the guitar obsesses him to the point where he spends every free moment strumming the strings.

    • Sense 2: To haunt or trouble persistently.
    • Example Sentence: The memory of his past mistakes obsesses him, causing sleepless nights and constant anxiety.

  2. Verb (intransitive)
    • Sense 1: To have an excessive or unhealthy preoccupation with someone or something.
    • Example Sentence: Jenny tends to obsess over her appearance, spending hours in front of the mirror every day.

    • Sense 2: To become fixated on a particular idea, object, or topic.
    • Example Sentence: After watching the movie, Mark obsesses over the plot and discusses it with everyone he meets.

  3. Noun
    • Sense 1: An idea, thought, or image that is constantly present in someone's mind.
    • Example Sentence: The loss of her job became an obsess that she couldn't escape, even in her dreams.

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