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no-par-value stock


Definitions from WordNet

Noun no-par-value stock has 1 sense
  1. no-par-value stock, no-par stock - stock with no par value specified in the corporate charter or on the stock certificate
    --1 is a kind of stock

Definitions from the Web

No-Par-Value Stock


No-par-value stock refers to shares of a corporate stock that does not have a specific monetary value attached to each share.


Sense 1:

In finance, no-par-value stock is a type of share that lacks a nominal or stated value assigned to it, providing flexibility in determining its price.

Related Products: No-Par-Value Stock Investing Books

Sense 2:

No-par-value stock can also refer to stock issued by a corporation without a specific face value recorded on the stock certificate.

Related Products: No-Par-Value Stock Certificates

Sample Sentences:

  • The company decided to issue no-par-value stock to allow for greater flexibility in pricing.
  • Investors are attracted to no-par-value stocks due to the potential for higher returns.
  • John acquired several shares of no-par-value stock in the technology company.
  • The shareholder was delighted to receive a dividend payout for his no-par-value stock.
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