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need force compelled by


Definitions from the Web

Term: Need

Part of Speech: noun, verb

Sense 1: A state of requiring something essential or necessary for survival or to achieve a goal.

Example Sentence: I have a desperate need for water after running for hours.

Sense 2: A lack or absence of something necessary or desired.

Example Sentence: The company recognized the need for more skilled workers.

Term: Force

Part of Speech: noun, verb

Sense 1: Physical power or strength exerted against resistance.

Example Sentence: The moving truck required two strong men to force it up the steep hill.

Sense 2: Coercion or compulsion exerted upon a person or thing.

Example Sentence: The police used force to subdue the violent protestors.

Term: Compelled

Part of Speech: verb

Sense 1: To force or oblige someone to do something.

Example Sentence: The witness was compelled to testify in court.

Term: By

Part of Speech: preposition

Sense 1: Used to indicate the agent performing an action.

Example Sentence: The message was delivered by the mail carrier.

Term: "Need" + "Force" + "Compelled By"

Part of Speech: phrase

Sense 1: Refers to the act or state of being forced or obliged due to a necessity or strong desire.

Example Sentence: The employees were compelled by the need for job security to accept pay cuts.

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