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mixing faucet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mixing faucet has 1 sense
  1. mixing faucet - single faucet for separate hot and cold water pipes
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Mixing Faucet


A mixing faucet is a type of water fixture that combines hot and cold water to achieve a desired temperature for various applications such as washing hands or dishes.

Sample Sentences:

  • The mixing faucet in the kitchen allows us to easily adjust the water temperature for washing dishes.
  • Make sure to install a high-quality mixing faucet in the bathroom to get the perfect water temperature during showers.
  • When using a mixing faucet, turn the handles clockwise to increase the hot water and counterclockwise to increase the cold water.
  • The plumber replaced the old mixing faucet in the laundry room with a new one for improved functionality.

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