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Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Playfully annoying or causing trouble

Describing someone or their behavior, to be mischievous is to engage in playful teasing, pranks or causing mild trouble. It is often done with a sparkle in the eye or a mischievous grin.

Example sentences:

  • The mischievous boy played a prank on his sister, hiding her favorite toy.
  • She couldn't resist her mischievous nature and threw a water balloon at her friend.
Amazon search for mischievous pranks

Sense 2: Suggestive of playful naughtiness or a sense of fun

Used to describe something or someone that exudes a sense of playful naughtiness or fun without causing any harm or trouble.

Example sentences:

  • The mischievous smile on her face hinted at the secret she was about to reveal.
  • Jackson had a mischievous sense of humor, always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh.
Amazon search for mischievous accessories

Sense 3: Showing a tendency for mischief; roguish

Used to describe a person who has a natural inclination for causing trouble or engaging in playful mischief, often in a lovable or entertaining way.

Example sentences:

  • The mischievous dog managed to dig up the neighbor's garden again.
  • Despite his mischievous nature, Tom was adored by everyone for his charismatic personality.
Amazon search for mischievous pets toys
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