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Definitions from WordNet

Noun meatpacking has 1 sense
  1. meatpacking, meat packing, meat-packing business - wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
    --1 is a kind of packaging

Definitions from the Web



Meatpacking is the process of preparing, packaging, and distributing meat products for consumption.


  1. As a noun:
    • A place or industry where animals are slaughtered and processed into various meat products.
    • The activity or business of processing and packing meat products.


  • My grandfather used to work in a meatpacking plant.
  • The meatpacking industry plays a vital role in the local economy.

Related products:

For products related to meatpacking, you can check out the following:

Meat Processing Equipment
Meat Packaging Supplies
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