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Noun maternity has 3 senses
  1. pregnancy, gestation, maternity - the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
    --1 is a kind of physiological state, physiological condition
    --1 has parts:
     cleavage, segmentation; quickening; parturiency, labor, labour, confinement, lying-in, travail, childbed; morning sickness
    --1 has particulars:
     trouble; gravidity, gravidness, gravidation; gravida; parity, para; ectopic pregnancy, extrauterine pregnancy, ectopic gestation, extrauterine gestation, eccyesis, metacyesis; entopic pregnancy; placenta previa
  2. motherhood, maternity - the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother
    --2 is a kind of kinship, family relationship, relationship
  3. motherliness, maternalism, maternal quality, maternity - the quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother; "the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children"
    --3 is a kind of parental quality
maternal language maternal quality maternalism maternalism in verb form maternalistic maternally maternelle maternity maternity maternity hospital maternity leave shortly maternity ward mates mateship mateus matey math

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