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Definitions from WordNet

Noun marattia has 1 sense
  1. Marattia, genus Marattia - type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows
    --1 is a kind of fern genus
    --1 is a member of Marattiaceae, family Marattiaceae
    --1 has members: potato fern, Marattia salicina

Definitions from the Web

Term: Marattia
noun: (1) A genus of large, tropical ferns with fronds reaching up to several meters in length.
noun: (2) Any fern of the genus Marattia.
adjective: (1) Referring to or characteristic of the marattia fern.
adjective: (2) Pertaining to the characteristics or qualities of the genus Marattia.
  1. The marattia ferns in the rainforest tower over other plants.
  2. During our hike, we came across a beautiful marattia.
  3. The marattia fronds create an impressive display in the botanical garden.
  4. I love the marattia's unique foliage.
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