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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mainstream has 1 sense
  1. mainstream - the prevailing current of thought; "his thinking was in the American mainstream"
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



As an adjective, mainstream refers to something that is widely accepted or followed by the general population. It can also describe something that is considered conventional or typical.

As a noun, mainstream refers to the prevailing or dominant trend or idea within a particular society or culture.

Sense 1: Adjective

Example sentence: The movie was a mainstream success, attracting audiences from all age groups.

Example sentence: He opted for a mainstream career in finance rather than pursuing his passion for art.

Sense 2: Noun

Example sentence: The fashion industry tends to follow the mainstream, setting trends for consumers to follow.

Example sentence: The mainstream of scientific thought is constantly evolving and being challenged by new discoveries.

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