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Definitions from WordNet

Noun loti has 1 sense
  1. loti - the basic unit of money in Lesotho
    --1 is a kind of
    Lesotho monetary unit
    --1 has part: sente

Definitions from the Web



1. A unit of currency in Lesotho, equal to 100 lisente.

Example sentence: Buy Loti: He exchanged 50 rand for 10 loti when he arrived in Lesotho.

Proper noun

1. A surname of Basotho origin.

Example sentence: Buy Loti: The famous author, Tsitsi Loti, published her new book last week.


1. (Informal) Fashionable, trendy or cool.

Example sentence: Buy Loti: She always wears the latest loti outfits, so stylish!


1. To have a casual and light-hearted conversation or flirtation.

Example sentence: Buy Loti: They sat by the bar, lotiing and laughing the whole night.

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