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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective loamy has 1 sense
  1. loamy - consisting of or having the character of loam; "richy loamy soil"

Definitions from the Web


Definition: (adjective) Referring to or having the characteristics of loam, a soil type that consists of a mixture of sand, silt, and clay, and is fertile, well-draining, and easy to work with.

Sense 1: Consisting of or containing loam.

Example sentence 1: The farmer's loamy soil produced bountiful crops year after year.

Definition: (noun) A type of soil referred to as loam, which is a fertile soil made up of sand, silt, and clay.

Sense 1: A specific type of soil suitable for growing various plants.

Example sentence 1: The loamy in their garden was ideal for growing vegetables and flowers.

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