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Part of Speech: noun

Sense: A list or collection of items, usually written or printed.


  • Make sure to check the liset before going grocery shopping.
  • She referred to her liset to remember the tasks she needed to complete.
  • The teacher handed out a liset of books that the students could choose from for their reading assignment.

Part of Speech: verb

Sense: To make or create a list of items.


  • He liseted all the ingredients needed for the recipe.
  • She liseted the guests' names to ensure everyone would have a seat at the event.
  • The librarian liseted the books by their genres for easier organization.

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense: Referring to something or someone popular or trendy.


  • That fashion brand is known for its liset designs.
  • The restaurant is always packed because it's the liset place in town.
  • Her liset taste in music influenced her friends' preferences.

Part of Speech: adjective

Sense: Referring to something or someone specific or unique to a particular location.


  • The festival offers a wide range of liset handicrafts from various regions.
  • In that small town, they have a liset way of celebrating the New Year.
  • He takes tourists to visit liset landmarks that are not commonly known.

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