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Definitions from WordNet

Verb lapidify has 1 sense
  1. lapidify, petrify - change into stone; "the wood petrified with time"
    --1 is one way to fossilize, fossilise
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s something

Definitions from the Web


Verb (transitive): to turn into stone; to petrify.

Example sentence:

"The mythological curse caused Medusa's gaze to lapidify anyone who looked at her directly."

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Verb (transitive) (figurative): to make someone or something become motionless or rigid.

Example sentence:

"The sudden loud noise lapidified the audience, holding them in a stunned silence."

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Verb (transitive) (rare): to transform a substance into stone-like material.

Example sentence:

"Through a unique chemical process, the alchemist was able to lapidify liquid mercury into a solid stone."

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