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Definitions from WordNet

Noun kw has 1 sense
  1. kilowatt, kW - a unit of power equal to 1000 watts
    --1 is a kind of power unit
    --1 is a part of megawatt
    --1 has parts: watt, W

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Kilowatt

Usage: A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts.

Sample Sentence: The hairdryer consumes 1.5 KW of power.

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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Keyword

Usage: A word or phrase that is significant to a particular context or search.

Sample Sentence: Make sure to include relevant KWs in your website's meta tags.

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Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Known Wit

Usage: Abbreviation for "Known Wit," used to describe someone who possesses a sharp and witty character.

Sample Sentence: John is known for his KW remarks that always make everyone laugh.

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Part of Speech: Abbreviation

Sense: Kuwait

Usage: A country located in the Middle East.

Sample Sentence: My friend is going on a trip to KW next month.

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Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: Knowledgeably

Usage: In a knowledgeable or well-informed manner.

Sample Sentence: The professor explained the complex topic KW during the lecture.

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