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keep the head


Definitions from the Web


Keep the head is an idiomatic expression that means to remain calm and composed in a difficult or chaotic situation.

Part of Speech:

The phrase "keep the head" can be used as a verb phrase or as a noun phrase.


1. Verb Phrase:

In this sense, "keep the head" means to maintain composure or self-control in order to cope with a challenging or stressful situation.

Example Sentence:

During the job interview, Sarah managed to keep her head despite the tough questions.

2. Noun Phrase:

In this sense, "keep the head" refers to the state of remaining calm or composed.

Example Sentence:

The captain's ability to keep the head in critical moments led the team to victory.


The phrase "keep the head" is commonly used in various contexts, such as in personal narratives, advice, or discussions about managing stressful situations.

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