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Definitions from WordNet

Noun isoflurane has 1 sense
  1. isoflurane - a widely used inhalation anesthetic
    --1 is a kind of
    inhalation anesthetic, inhalation anaesthetic, inhalation general anesthetic, inhalation general anaesthetic

Definitions from the Web



Isoflurane is a colorless, sweet-smelling volatile liquid that is commonly used as an inhalation anesthetic in medical procedures.

Part of Speech:



  1. A volatile liquid
  2. An inhalation anesthetic


Isoflurane is widely used in modern medicine as an anesthetic during surgical procedures.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The anesthesiologist administered isoflurane to put the patient under anesthesia.
  2. During the surgery, the patient inhaled isoflurane through a mask.
  3. The use of isoflurane as an anesthetic has revolutionized the field of surgery.

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