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Definitions from the Web

Term: Irish


1. relating to or characteristic of Ireland, its people, or their language.

Sample sentence: The Irish dance performance was full of energy and precision.


1. a native or inhabitant of Ireland.

Sample sentence: Many Irish have migrated to other countries in search of better opportunities.

Noun (plural):

1. the Celtic language of Ireland.

Sample sentence: Learning Irish can help you better understand the rich cultural heritage of Ireland.

Noun (informal):

1. Irish whiskey.

Sample sentence: The pub had a wide selection of Irish.

Noun (informal):

1. a person of Irish descent or origin.

Sample sentence: St. Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish and non-Irish alike.

Noun (informal):

1. a playful or mischievous person.

Sample sentence: The little boy's grin indicated he was up to some Irish mischief.

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