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indian chocolate


Definitions from WordNet

Noun indian chocolate has 1 sense
  1. water avens, Indian chocolate, purple avens, chocolate root, Geum rivale - erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and few nodding flowers with brown-purple calyx and orange-pink petals
    --1 is a kind of avens

Definitions from the Web

Indian Chocolate


Indian chocolate refers to various types of chocolate products that are made in India. It encompasses a range of flavors, ingredients, and traditional recipes that are unique to Indian cuisine and culture. Indian chocolate often incorporates spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg, to create a distinct and aromatic taste.

Sample Sentences:

Noun: As a gift, she received a box of delicious Indian chocolates.

Adjective: The dessert was served with a drizzle of rich Indian chocolate syrup.

Verb: The pastry chef loves to Indian-chocolate coat his homemade truffles.

Adverb: The melted Indian chocolate quickly spread across the cake.

Related Products:

Explore a variety of Indian chocolate products on Amazon.

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