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homeobox gene


Definitions from WordNet

Noun homeobox gene has 1 sense
  1. homeobox, homeobox gene - one of various similar homeotic genes that are involved in bodily segmentation during embryonic development
    --1 is a kind of homeotic gene

Definitions from the Web

Homeobox Gene

Definition: A homeobox gene is a type of master regulatory gene that codes for transcription factors, which help determine the body plan and the development of various organs and tissues in a wide range of organisms.

Sense 1: In genetics, a homeobox gene refers specifically to a DNA sequence that contains a homeobox motif, a highly conserved sequence of about 180 base pairs that is responsible for encoding the homeodomain.

Usage: Homeobox genes play a crucial role in embryonic development by regulating the expression of other genes involved in cell differentiation, pattern formation, and morphogenesis.

Example sentence 1 (genetics sense): The mutation in the homeobox gene disrupted the normal development of the organ system, leading to severe defects in the embryo.

Sense 2: In a more general context, a homeobox gene can refer to any gene involved in the development or maintenance of an organism's homing behavior, often observed in migratory animals.

Usage: Several homeobox genes have been identified in birds, which are thought to play a key role in their remarkable ability to navigate and return accurately to their breeding grounds.

Example sentence 2 (homing behavior sense): The studies on Pacific salmon revealed the presence of specific homeobox genes associated with their incredible ability to return to their natal streams for spawning.

Related products: Books about Homeobox Gene, Homeobox Gene Kits, Homeobox Gene Antibodies

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