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hoeven s


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Hoeven is the plural form of the Dutch word "hoef", referring to the undersides of an animal's feet, typically those of a horse.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Animal Hooves

Noun: Hoeven

Hoeven are an essential part of a horse's anatomy, providing support and protection to its feet.

Example sentence: The farrier gave the horse a thorough cleaning, inspecting its hoeven for any signs of damage.

Sense 2: Placenames

Noun: Hoeven

Hoeven refers to a town in the Netherlands, located in the province of North Brabant.

Example sentence: I visited the beautiful town of Hoeven during my trip to the Netherlands.

Sense 3: Surname

Noun: Hoeven

Hoeven is a surname of Dutch origin, often found in family names.

Example sentence: Mr. van der Hoeven is a renowned author in the field of literature.

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