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Definitions from WordNet

Noun guarantor has 1 sense
  1. guarantor, surety, warrantor, warranter - one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another
    --1 is a kind of patron, sponsor, supporter
    Derived form: verb guarantee4

Definitions from the Web

Term: Guarantors


Guarantors are individuals or entities that take on financial responsibility or underwrite an obligation on behalf of another person or entity. They offer a promise of assurance to ensure that a debt or obligation is fulfilled if the original borrower fails to repay or meet their obligations.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The bank required two guarantors before approving the loan.
  2. The landlord required guarantors with a stable income to lease the property.
  3. The company's financial success attracted several high-profile guarantors who were willing to invest.

Possible Related Products (Amazon Search):

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