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ground loop


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ground loop has 1 sense
  1. ground loop - a sharp uncontrollable turn made by an airplane while moving along the ground
    --1 is a kind of
    mishap, misadventure, mischance

Definitions from the Web

Term: ground loop

Noun: a situation where there is an unwanted current flowing in the grounding conductors of an electrical system, caused by the existence of multiple paths to ground.

Example sentence: A ground loop can cause a humming noise in audio systems due to improper grounding.

Noun: a connecting system used in audio and video production to reduce unwanted noise and interference.

Example sentence: Using ground loops can effectively eliminate the buzzing sound in your audio recordings.

Noun: a circular route taken by an aircraft when making a descent or approach to land.

Example sentence: Due to congestion at the airport, the airplane had to fly a ground loop before finally landing.

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