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Greenary is a term used to describe the presence of vegetation or plants, both in terms of the overall collection of plants in a certain area and the physical characteristics of being green.


Sense 1:

Noun: Refers to a wide variety of plants and foliage collectively in a specific location or region.

Example sentence: The park is known for its lush greenary, with trees, flowers, and shrubs adorning every corner.

Sample Products: Botanical Prints

Sense 2:

Adjective: Describes something relating to or resembling the color green, often used to emphasize freshness and liveliness.

Example sentence: The walls of the room were painted a calming shade of green to create a soothing greenary atmosphere.

Sample Products: Green Home Decor

Sense 3:

Adjective: Pertaining to or characteristic of a particular local area or region, often used in the context of plants and vegetation.

Example sentence: The garden was filled with both exotic and native greenary, showcasing the diverse flora of the region.

Sample Products: Local Plant Guide

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