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gravitational forece


Definitions from the Web

Gravitational Force

The gravitational force is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the attractive force between two objects with mass. It is responsible for the phenomenon of gravity and plays a crucial role in understanding the motion of celestial bodies in the universe.


Popular Usage:

In popular use, the term gravitational force refers to the force that holds us on the Earth's surface and keeps celestial bodies like planets and moons in their respective orbits around the Sun.

Example Sentence: The gravitational force keeps us firmly grounded on planet Earth.

Local Usage:

In the local context, the term gravitational force is often used to refer to the force experienced by objects in specific regions or conditions, such as near massive stars or in extreme gravitational environments like black holes.

Example Sentence: The local gravitational force near a massive star can have a significant impact on the behavior of nearby cosmic objects.

Related Products:

To further explore the concept of gravitational force, you may be interested in the following related products available on Amazon:

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