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free verse


Definitions from WordNet

Noun free verse has 1 sense
  1. free verse, vers libre - unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
    --1 is a kind of poem, verse form

Definitions from the Web

Free Verse


Free verse refers to a type of poetry that does not adhere to a specific rhyme scheme, meter, or any other formal structure. It allows poets the freedom to write without any limitations, creating verse that flows naturally and follows their own rhythm and expression.


Sense 1:

Noun: A style of poetry that lacks regular meter, rhyme, or other fixed forms.

Example: The poet experimented with free verse, using vivid imagery and unconventional line breaks.


Usage 1:

Noun: The use of free verse in modern poetry became popular in the early 20th century as a reaction against traditional poetic forms.

Example: Many renowned poets, such as Walt Whitman and T.S. Eliot, have favored free verse as a means of self-expression.

Usage 2:

Adjective: Describing poetry or a poem written in free verse.

Example: Her latest collection features thought-provoking and poignant free verse poems.

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