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Definitions from WordNet

Noun foreword has 1 sense
  1. foreword, preface, prolusion - a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
    --1 is a kind of introduction
    --1 is a part of text, textual matter

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A foreword is a short introduction at the beginning of a book or other written work, written by someone other than the author, and usually discussing the author's work or providing some context.

Sense 1 (Noun):

Example sentence: The foreword of the novel was written by a famous author who praised the unique storytelling style of the writer.

Sense 2 (Noun):

Example sentence: The textbook includes a foreword written by the professor, explaining the importance of the subject matter.

Sense 3 (Noun):

Example sentence: The conference proceedings began with a foreword by the organizing committee, acknowledging the contributions of the speakers.

Sense 4 (Noun):

Example sentence: The foreword of the biography gave an insightful glimpse into the personal life of the subject.

Sense 5 (Verb):

Example sentence: The author agreed to foreword his friend's upcoming book as a gesture of support.

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