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flour moth


Definitions from the Web

Flour Moth


The flour moth, scientifically known as Ephestia kuehniella, is a small, nocturnal insect commonly found in kitchens and pantries. It belongs to the family Pyralidae and is notorious for infesting stored food products, especially flour and cereal grains. The adult moths have a wingspan of about 1 inch and are usually a pale gray or buff color with dark spots on their wings. The larvae of flour moths, also known as caterpillars, feed on dry food materials, causing contamination and spoilage.



1. An insect of the family Pyralidae, commonly found in kitchens and pantries, infesting stored food, particularly flour and cereal grains.
Sample Sentence: I found a flour moth in the bag of flour and had to throw the whole thing away.

2. The larvae (caterpillars) of the flour moth.
Sample Sentence: The infestation of flour moths was due to improper storage of the cereal.


1. Related to or characteristic of flour moths.
Sample Sentence: The flour moth infestation led to the disposal of all contaminated food items.

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