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flip the coin


Definitions from the Web

Term: Flip the Coin

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: To toss a coin into the air, typically to decide something by chance or to determine which option to choose.

Usage: When faced with two equally appealing choices, sometimes it's best to flip the coin and let fate decide.

Sample Sentence: Should we go out for dinner or stay in and cook? Let's flip the coin to settle it.

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Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: Used to indicate an uncertain or random choice between two options.

Usage: His life felt like flipping the coin between excitement and monotony each day.

Sample Sentence: She couldn't decide whether to pursue her dream of being an artist or take the secure job, so she opted for flip the coin and see where it lands.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: The act of tossing a coin to make a decision or determine something.

Usage: The referee ordered the teams to flip the coin to determine which side gets to choose the kickoff direction.

Sample Sentence: Let's settle this argument with a fair flip of the coin.

Sense 2: A situation in which the outcome is determined by chance or luck.

Usage: It was a flip of the coin whether our team would win the championship or not.

Sample Sentence: The final game was tense; it felt like everything was resting on the flip of the coin.

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