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Definitions from WordNet

Noun flexor has 1 sense
  1. flexor muscle, flexor - a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint
    --1 is a kind of skeletal muscle, striated muscle
    Antonyms: extensor muscle, extensor

Definitions from the Web



A flexor refers to any body part, muscle, or tendon that works to bend or flex a joint. It plays a crucial role in facilitating movement by contracting and pulling the joint inwards.


Sense 1

Noun (Anatomy) - A muscle that contracts to bend a joint or limb.

Example: The biceps is a flexor muscle responsible for bending the elbow joint.

Sense 2

Noun (Anatomy) - A tendon connecting a flexor muscle to a bone.

Example: The flexor digitorum profundus tendon enables the fingers to flex.


The term "flexor" is commonly used in anatomy and physiology, describing muscles and tendons responsible for joint flexion movements. It is widely studied and understood in the medical field.

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