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Flash-based refers to something that utilizes the Adobe Flash technology or is built on it. It typically describes software, multimedia content, or websites that rely on Flash to function or enhance the user experience.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

As an adjective, flash-based can describe a device or storage medium that uses Flash memory to store data. Flash memory is a type of non-volatile storage that allows for faster access and data transfer compared to traditional storage technologies.

Example sentence: The new smartphone comes with 64GB of flash-based storage, providing plenty of space for photos, videos, and apps.

Sense 2:

As a noun, flash-based can refer to a piece of software or content developed using Adobe Flash. Flash-based applications were commonly used in the past for creating interactive web content, animations, games, and multimedia presentations.

Example sentence: The website relied heavily on flash-based animations and videos to engage its visitors.

Possible related products:

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