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Fitout is a noun that refers to the process of making an interior space suitable for occupation or use, typically through the installation of furniture, fixtures, and other necessary equipment.

Sense 1:

As a noun, fitout can also mean the overall style or design of an interior space, including its furnishings, decoration, and layout.

Example sentence: The fitout of the new restaurant reflects a modern and minimalist aesthetic.

Sense 2:

As a verb, fitout means to furnish or equip a space, typically with the necessary items or equipment.

Example sentence: They managed to fitout the office with new desks, chairs, and state-of-the-art technology.

Sense 3:

Fitout can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is specifically designed or tailored for a particular purpose or function within an interior space.

Example sentence: The fitout company specializes in creating bespoke and functional office spaces.

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