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finger wave


Definitions from WordNet

Noun finger wave has 1 sense
  1. finger wave - a wave made with the fingers
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Finger Wave

Definition: A hairstyle created by shaping the hair into waves using both fingers and a comb, typically associated with the 1920s and 1930s.

Sense 1 (Noun): A hairstyle technique in which hair is styled into "S" or "C" shape waves using the fingers and a comb.

Example sentence: She styled her hair in a beautiful finger wave for the themed party.

Sense 2 (Noun): A small flowing wave-like pattern, formed by the motion of waving fingers in water.

Example sentence: The lake shimmered under the gentle breeze, with finger waves lapping against the shore.

Sense 3 (Verb): To create waves in hair by using the fingers and a comb.

Example sentence: The hairdresser finger-waved her client's hair into a classic 1920s style.

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