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felis bengalensis


Definitions from WordNet

Noun felis bengalensis has 1 sense
  1. leopard cat, Felis bengalensis - small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia
    --1 is a kind of wildcat
    --1 is a member of Felis, genus Felis

Definitions from the Web

Felis Bengalensis

Definition: Felis bengalensis, commonly known as the Bengal cat, is a domestic cat breed developed by crossing a domestic cat with an Asian leopard cat. Known for their striking coat patterns resembling those of wild felines, Bengal cats are intelligent, playful, and highly energetic.

Sense 1: Noun

A Bengal cat refers to a specific breed of domestic cats bred to resemble the appearance of leopard cats. These cats have a distinctive apperance and are characterized by their beautiful spotted or marbled coat patterns. Bengal cats are known for their friendly and inquisitive nature.

Sample Sentence:

"I adopted a Bengal cat from the shelter, and his stunning coat and playful antics never cease to amaze me."

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Sense 2: Adjective

The term "Bengalensis" as an adjective can be used to describe anything related to or originating from Bengal, a region in the Indian subcontinent known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant traditions.

Sample Sentence:

"The Bengali cuisine offers a wide variety of flavorful dishes, with Bengalensis spices greatly enhancing the taste."

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Sense 3: Scientific Classification

Felis bengalensis refers to the scientific name of the leopard cat, an Asian feline species found in various regions such as India, Bangladesh, and Southeast Asia.

Sample Sentence:

"Researchers conducted a study on the habitat and behavior of Felis bengalensis in the dense forests of India."

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