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family termitidae


Definitions from WordNet

Noun family termitidae has 1 sense
  1. Termitidae, family Termitidae - termites
    --1 is a kind of arthropod family
    --1 is a member of Isoptera, order Isoptera
    --1 has members: Termes, genus Termes; Reticulitermes, genus Reticulitermes

Definitions from the Web

Family Termitidae

Definition: The family Termitidae is a diverse group of termites, commonly known as mound-building termites. They are found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide and are known for constructing large mounds or nests.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

Meaning: A family of termites belonging to the order Isoptera.

Example Sentence: The family Termitidae is the largest and most economically important family of termites.

Sense 2:

Meaning: The mounds or nests constructed by termites of the family Termitidae.

Example Sentence: The family Termitidae builds complex and intricate mounds that serve various functions within their colonies.

Sense 3:

Meaning: A zoological classification for the family Termitidae.

Example Sentence: The family Termitidae belongs to the order Isoptera and includes numerous species with fascinating social behaviors.

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