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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective emotive has 1 sense
  1. affectional, affective, emotive - characterized by emotion
    Antonym: unemotional (indirect, via emotional)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Emotive

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Expressing or arousing emotion

Sample Sentence 1: The emotive speech moved the entire audience to tears.

Sample Sentence 2: The artist used vivid colors to create emotive paintings that evoked various feelings.

Sample Sentence 3: The song's emotive lyrics spoke directly to the listeners' broken hearts.

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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: A word or phrase used to express emotions

Sample Sentence 1: "Love," "anger," and "joy" are commonly used as emotives in poetry.

Sample Sentence 2: The speaker used emotives like "heartbreaking" and "uplifting" to emphasize the impact of their story.

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Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1: In a way that expresses or arouses emotion

Sample Sentence 1: She spoke emotively about her personal experiences during the presentation.

Sample Sentence 2: The actor performed emotively, capturing the audience's attention.

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