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egging on a mad dog


Definitions from the Web

Term: Egging on a mad dog

Part of Speech: Noun phrase

Sense 1: Encouraging or provoking someone who is already angry or aggressive.

Example Sentence 1: He couldn't resist egging on the mad dog with his provocative remarks, which only fueled its rage.

Example Sentence 2: The crowd jeered from the sidelines, egging on the mad dog as it charged towards its target.

Part of Speech: Verb phrase

Sense 1: To encourage or provoke someone to act aggressively or violently.

Example Sentence 1: The rowdy teenagers were egging each other on, daring one another to confront the mad dog.

Example Sentence 2: She regretted egging him on, realizing that she had only made the situation worse.

Sense 2: To deliberately provoke or exacerbate a difficult or dangerous situation.

Example Sentence 1: The politician's controversial statement was seen as an attempt to egg on a mad dog, creating more tension and conflict.

Example Sentence 2: Some people enjoy egging on a mad dog for the thrill of watching chaos unfold, although it rarely ends well.

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