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Decliners is a noun that refers to individuals or entities that experience a decrease or reduction in value, performance, or influence.


  1. Sense: People who lose money on investments

    In the stock market, decliners represent individuals or organizations whose investments have experienced a decline in value.

    Example sentence: The decliners on Wall Street were primarily technology stocks.

  2. Sense: Factors causing a decrease

    Decliners can also denote circumstances, events, or elements contributing to a reduction in something.

    Example sentence: The recent economic recession was one of the major decliners of consumer confidence in the country.

  3. Sense: Products that have decreased in popularity

    In marketing, decliners can refer to products or services that have experienced a decline in popularity or demand.

    Example sentence: The fashion brand decided to discontinue their decliners from the last season due to poor sales.

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