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Term: Dalit


Dalit refers to a member of the lowest social group in the Indian caste system, typically considered as "untouchable" and subjected to severe social and economic discrimination.

Sense 1: Noun

1.1 - A person belonging to the Dalit community.

1.2 - Any person who suffers from or advocates for the elimination of caste-based discrimination and oppression in India.

1.3 - (Historical) A member of a community considered "untouchable" according to traditional Hindu caste hierarchies.

Sample Sentences:

1.1 - Many Dalits have been fighting for their rights and striving for equality within Indian society.

1.2 - The organization works tirelessly to support Dalits and promote social justice.

1.3 - Historically, Dalits were marginalized and excluded from basic rights and privileges.

Sense 2: Adjective

2.1 - Relating to or associated with Dalits or the Dalit community.

2.2 - Pertaining to the social, economic, and political issues faced by Dalits in India.

Sample Sentences:

2.1 - The Dalit rights movement aims to address the systemic inequalities faced by Dalit individuals.

2.2 - The film provided a powerful portrayal of the harsh realities of Dalit life.

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