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d. h. lawrence


Definitions from WordNet

Noun d. h. lawrence has 1 sense
  1. Lawrence, D. H. Lawrence, David Herbert Lawrence - English novelist and poet and essayist whose work condemned industrial society and explored sexual relationships (1885-1930)
    --1 is a kind of writer, author

Definitions from the Web

d. h. lawrence

Definition: D. H. Lawrence refers to David Herbert Lawrence, an English novelist, poet, playwright, and literary critic, prominent during the early 20th century. Lawrence's works often explored themes of sexuality, relationships, and the struggles of modern society.


Example as a Proper Noun:

As a proper noun, D. H. Lawrence refers to the author himself.

  • "I am currently reading a biography about D. H. Lawrence, the renowned English writer."
  • "D. H. Lawrence's novel 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' is considered a classic of erotic literature."

Example as an Adjective:

As an adjective, d. h. lawrence may refer to something related to Lawrence's themes, style, or influence.

  • "I enjoy reading d. h. lawrence novels because of their exploration of human relationships."
  • "The play had a d. h. lawrence vibe, with its emphasis on passion and emotional intensity."

Example as an Abbreviation:

As an abbreviation, d. h. lawrence may be used to represent the author in a more concise form.

  • "D. H. Lawrence's poetry reflects his unique perspective on nature and spirituality."
  • "Explore the philosophical works of d. h. lawrence to gain insights into his complex worldview."

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