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1. A state of perplexity or doubt.

Example sentence: I was in a cundrary when faced with the decision of choosing between two job offers.

Related products on Amazon:

  1. Books about cundrary
  2. Games related to cundrary
  3. Puzzles to challenge your cundrary


1. Causing confusion or bewilderment.

Example sentence: The cundrary situation left us unsure of what steps to take next.

Related products on Amazon:

  1. Planners to help organize your cundrary
  2. Toys that encourage critical thinking and cundrary-solving skills


1. To perplex or confuse.

Example sentence: His contradictory statements cundraried the audience, leaving them unsure of the truth.

Related products on Amazon:

  1. Movies with mind-bending and cundrary-like twists
  2. Brain games to challenge your ability to cundrary others
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