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Term: creativos


Creativos is the plural form of the Spanish adjective "creativo" which translates to "creative" in English. It is used to describe individuals or things that have the ability to generate or express imaginative and original ideas, often in an artistic or innovative way.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective (masculine plural): creativos
  • Noun (masculine plural): los creativos

Possible Senses and Usages:

1. Adjective "creativos":

When used as an adjective, "creativos" can describe people, objects, or concepts as being imaginative, innovative, or original.

Example Sentence:

Los artistas creativos siempre sorprenden con sus increíbles obras de arte.

(The creative artists always amaze with their incredible works of art.)

2. Noun "los creativos":

When used as a noun, "los creativos" specifically refers to a group of creative individuals, often associated with professions such as advertising, marketing, or design.

Example Sentence:

En la agencia de publicidad, los creativos se encargan de desarrollar ideas innovadoras para las campañas de sus clientes.

(In the advertising agency, the creatives are responsible for developing innovative ideas for their clients' campaigns.)

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