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Definitions from WordNet

Noun corpulence has 1 sense
  1. corpulence, overweight, stoutness, adiposis - the property of excessive fatness
    --1 is a kind of fleshiness, obesity

Definitions from the Web



Corpulence refers to a state of being excessively overweight or obese.

Sense 1:

Noun: The state of being excessively overweight.

Example Sentence: Her corpulence was evident in her difficulty climbing the stairs.

Related Products: Weight Loss Books, Exercise Equipment

Sense 2:

Noun: Excessive body fat or weight.

Example Sentence: The doctor warned him about the health risks associated with his corpulence.

Related Products: Dietary Supplements, Portion Control Plates

Sense 3:

Adjective: Characterized by excessive weight or obesity.

Example Sentence: The corpulence man struggled to find clothes that fit him properly.

Related Products: Plus Size Clothing, Comfortable Shoes

Note: The links provided are for potential related products on Amazon based on the term corpulence.

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