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Definitions from WordNet

Noun colonoscopy has 1 sense
  1. colonoscopy - visual examination of the colon (with a colonoscope) from the cecum to the rectum; requires sedation
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



A colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the colon, or large intestine, to detect abnormalities, screen for colorectal cancer, or investigate digestive issues.

Part of Speech:

  • Noun

Sense 1:

A medical examination

Example Sentence: My doctor recommended that I undergo regular colonoscopies to monitor my digestive health.

Sense 2:

The process of conducting a colonoscopy

Example Sentence: The skilled gastroenterologist performed colonoscopies with great precision and care.

Sense 3:

The results or findings of a colonoscopy

Example Sentence: The colonoscopy revealed a benign polyp that was promptly removed during the procedure.

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