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collective noun of the word skyscrapers


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Collective Noun for Skyscrapers


A collective noun is a word used to describe a group or collection of similar objects or entities. In the context of skyscrapers, the collective noun represents a group of these towering buildings.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Cluster: A cluster of skyscrapers standing together, forming a skyline.
  2. Forest: A forest of skyscrapers, symbolizing the abundance and vastness of these structures.
  3. Jungle: A jungle of skyscrapers refers to a densely populated urban area filled with numerous high-rise buildings.
  4. Herd: A herd of skyscrapers can represent a group of buildings unified by design or belonging to the same architectural style.
  5. Flock: A flock of skyscrapers portrays a scene of multiple buildings rising towards the sky, reminiscent of a flock of birds.

Sample Sentences:

  • From a distance, the cluster of skyscrapers formed a majestic skyline.
  • The city boasted a magnificent forest of skyscrapers, a testament to its rapid urban development.
  • Walking through the bustling streets, one cannot help but feel dwarfed by the imposing jungle of skyscrapers.
  • The impressive herd of skyscrapers showcased the architectural prowess of the city's renowned architects.
  • As I stood on the rooftop, I marveled at the sheer beauty of the flock of skyscrapers dominating the cityscape.

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