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clear off


Definitions from WordNet

Verb clear off has 1 sense
  1. clear off, clear away - remove from sight
    --1 is one way to remove, take, take away, withdraw
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s something PP

Definitions from the Web

clear off


Clear off is a phrasal verb that can be used as a transitive verb or an intransitive verb. It has various meanings depending on the context.

Transitive Verb:

  • To remove objects or clutter from a surface or area.
  • To drive someone or something away forcefully.
  • To clean or wipe something thoroughly.

Intransitive Verb:

  • To depart or leave hastily.
  • To become free from clouds, fog, or mist.

Sample Sentences

Transitive Verb:

  1. I need to clear off the desk before starting my work.
  2. Please clear off the table after dinner.
  3. The police arrived to clear off the protesters from the streets.

Intransitive Verb:

  1. We should clear off before it gets too late.
  2. The fog slowly started to clear off revealing a beautiful sunrise.

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