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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chen has 1 sense
  1. Chen, subgenus Chen - wild goose having white adult plumage
    --1 is a kind of bird genus
    --1 is a member of Anser, genus Anser
    --1 has members: blue goose, Chen caerulescens

Definitions from the Web




1. A Chinese surname, commonly used as a family name.

Example Sentences:
  1. Mr. Chen is an expert in calligraphy.
  2. I met several individuals with the surname Chen during my trip to Taiwan.
  3. The author of the book, Lisa Chen, explores the theme of identity.


1. (transitive) To camouflage or blend in with the surroundings.

2. (intransitive) To hide or conceal oneself.

Example Sentences:
  1. The chameleon chens itself against the green leaves.
  2. The spy had to chen to avoid detection.
  3. During the game of hide-and-seek, Sarah chened behind a tree.

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